July 9, 2021
Dear Parishioners,
It has been over two years since the Renew My Church discernment process was completed, and the closing of St. Simeon Church and the unification of our two communities at St. Domitilla Church was decided. I would like to express my gratitude to God and to all of you, for the kindness, confidence and faith shown during this journey. Through this hard transition, compounded by a pandemic, we have felt God’s presence, and we have witnessed his love to one another.
Today, I would also like to inform our community of Queen of All Nations Parish that the former St. Simeon church campus sale has been finalized through a collaborative effort led by the Archdiocese of Chicago Real Estate Department. Although this step of letting go to a church and campus many have held dear is a difficult part of this transition, we are comforted that the buildings will be home to another Christian congregation that intends to use them for worship. We are grateful for their interest and work, and gladly welcome them as our neighbors.
Through this time, we have continued to move and place some of the religious items from St. Simeon in St. Domitilla Church. Please know that as communicated before, the items that we have decided not to keep will be made available to other parishes, or will be donated to Catholic churches in need throughout the world.
In accordance with Church Canon Law and current diocesan policy, some of the proceeds from the sale will go toward offsetting the standing parish debt and toward payments for transactional and service fees. The rest of the proceeds will be available to our parish community. Once the final numbers are processed and confirmed, I will communicate those to you, as well.
During the upcoming months, our Parish Councils and I will be praying and discerning how to best use the sale proceeds. However, we can anticipate three areas of possible investment:
I count on your input, ideas and prayers for vision and wisdom through this discernment. We will have opportunities for consultation, discussion and prayer so that all of us can make sure that St. Simeon Church’s financial patrimony supports our community’s mission and allows for a robust and fruitful future. May the peace of God continue to be with you. Thank you for your prayers for our parish leaders and for me. Let us continue to entrust our dreams and efforts to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of All Nations, and the prayers of Saint Simeon and Saint Domitilla.
In Christ,
Fr. Julio Lam